Petrified Panorama

Petrified Panorama
A panorama is likely seen, but how about a petrified panorama?
Let's not talk about it first. You can find a petrified panorama in Brawl Stars Map Concepts called Petrified Panorama. It is a showdown map that is cool and full of bushes.
This map is full of powercubes and funny moments if you do so. Haha!
    Credits: Lurker3993

Ever Wondered How We Created This Map?
If you want to create such amazing maps, go to Pixel Crux! This map designer is the best choice for you! Tap on the link, sign up for an account and create maps like this! 

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 Pixel Crux Logo


  1. I think the bushes should be the same color. But Overall I like this map.


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